50 first date

50 first date

Life of Henry Roth is simple. When the veterinarian specialist polar marine animals is not working at Sea Life Park in Hawaii, he devoted himself to his other passion: the one-night stands with pretty tourists looking for romance. Henry refuses any serious relationship for fear of jeopardizing its dreams of going to Alaska to study walruses ... Yet when he meets Lucy, he was immediately fascinated. Violating his own rule which forbids him to charm young women in the corner, Lucy Henry looks, talks nicely with her and even gets an appointment for tomorrow. When one shows up, Lucy does not recognize it and screams aggression. Henry discovers that the girl suffers from a strange disease that every night, makes him forget everything. If he wants to experience something with it, every day will be like the first ...
it's one of my favorite movies watch it , it's really wonderful movie


marieclv said…
Cute little story, but was not real clear at the end.


thank you , and good observation
she forget everything she doing every night , and she began all over like his first time
