
Showing posts from June, 2011

Hôtel de luxe

Hôtel de luxe à Dubai aux Emirats Arabes Unis Le tourisme aux Emirats Arabes Unis est résolument orienté vers le tourisme de luxe. Le pays offre de nombreux hôtels confortables dont la majorité se trouve à Dubaï et Abu Dhabi. Le visiteur n’aura ainsi que l’embarras du choix avec des enseignes internationales et locales qui offrent un service de grande qualité. A Dubaï, on trouve des hôtels cinq étoiles dans toutes les parties de la ville et l’Al Qasr constitue l’un des meilleurs. C’est un établissement de style oriental qui est situé sur la plage de Jumeirah Madinat Al Qasr. Un séjour dans cet hôtel permettra au voyageur de découvrir toute la beauté du luxe oriental. Le Burj Al Arab ou la tour d’Arabie qui est également un hôtel de luxe, est une référence à travers le monde, non seulement pour la qualité de ses services mais aussi pour son cadre unique et son confort irréprochable. La ville d’Abu Dhabi peut pareil

Projet d'hôtel à Dubai

Projet d'hôtel à Dubai "Le Diamond Ring Hotel"              

amazing 3d art on streets

amazing 3d art on streets Spilled Can River With Waterfall Above the Edge The Hose Bottle of Coke Feeding Top of  the Pole Parked on the Edge Standing on the Abyss Standing on the Abyss 2 Just Chillin’ Beijing Expo Balancing on the Edge Ruy Big Crayons Railway 4th of July

i miss you

As I am saying good night at the end of the day, And you are not here, but many miles away, My heart is so empty and so lonely inside, As I wipe away a tear I am trying to hide. I close my eyes and try to go to sleep, But with the sadness inside I begin to weep. Suddenly I remember what you once said to me, Just meet me in the stars, waiting for you I will be. When distance tends to keep us apart, Remember I still hold you near in my heart. When the night together, can't be ours, Just close your eyes and meet me in the stars. Meet me in the stars, I'll be waiting there for you. With a bottle of wine and glasses for two. Just close your eyes and there you will see, Waiting in the stars, just for you I will be. Remembering those words, I begin to smile, And gently close my eyes, lessening the miles. I can see the stars, oh how beautifully arranged, But you are not there, no hug to exchange. I sit alone waiting, with hope in my heart, No longer wanting to be kept

Can't Live Without You

Can't Live Without You As you take this time to think Figure out what's right in your heart I anticipate and can’t even blink Why would you ever want to be apart? Something I did bothered you I wish I could take it back I’ll do anything to make it up to you Let’s get this love back on track I can promise you tomorrow But I can’t buy back yesterday I have been going through such sorrow I go through it everyday We have started to build a life It’s exactly where I want to be I can’t wait to make you my wife I think you would agree Please accept me as you used to I am the same man you said you love You know my heart will always be true As pure and true as a white dove

My Only Love

My  Only Love  There are just so many words But I can't find one that's perfectly true. I have said lots of I love yous Have given you lots of kisses and hugs I have given you my all But still those are just not enough. You're the only one I desire You're the only one in my heart Through good and bad times Nothing can keep us apart. To my one and only love That no one will ever compare Take this simple vow Let this be my devotion forever. I love you and I will never leave you No matter what happens I'll always be true Though times may be rough and days may be tough I'll stick with you through and through until the next life...

moment of love

just close your eyes  open you mind feel the love love your hearth live the moment

why worry

Why worry?? I've been worrying over some worthless things for sometime now, and I mean really worthless and if I sincerely had enough money to waste I would have seen a shrink and by the way those people make some ass whooping money just for giving advices to people, $150 per hour damn!! that's a lot of money. As I was saying, I just realized yesterday I had no cause to worry at all and besides even if I had a good reason to be worried, it didn't solve anything, I just kept sinking deep into more and more silly thoughts which weren't helping either. I usually get into such moods when I have lots of school work and so little time or when I'm expecting a bad grade from a test or something but all in all this mood usually comes with stress from school then many other little things come together and make everything look so big and that gets me really moody. I have been under so much pressure for over 3weeks now I barely have time to just lay on my bed and

blind love

Love is blind..............NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely hate it when I see women playing some kind of stupid ''love is blind'' roles in movies. What really makes it disturbing is that people actually behave that way in reality. Let me summarize the movie for y'all. Tinuke has been dating Kayode since their university days and in this movie they painted a picture showing that Tinuke loved Kayode more than he loved her so of course she was the one bearing it all. Kayode happens to be from a  humble family so I guess he considered the relationship and decided to you know go along with it since the girl loves him and she is from a wealthy family but his character never showed he was with her because of her father's wealth but anyway marriage rights took place with the whole introduction thing to go with it. Tinuke's family decided to sponsor Kayode's trip to the UK after his university so he could have greater opportunities since they felt his

Des plantes économes en eau

Des plantes économes en eau Il existe quantité de plantes économes en eau, qui se contentent de peu voire pas d'arrosage. Non, ce ne sont pas toutes des cactus ou des plantes grasses ! Voici une petite liste sans prétention, ni exhaustive, ni remarquable. Elle a pour simple but de vous démontrer qu'il existe une grande variété de plantes adaptées aux chaleurs de l'été, que vous trouverez sans difficulté, et pourront vous aider à créer les contours de votre "jardin sans arrosage". Annuelles Gazania L'eschscholtzia (pavot de Californie) se sème à l'automne ou au printemps. En quelques semaine, ce cousin du coquelicot illuminera vos massifs avec ses corroles blanches, jaunes ou plus classiquement orange vif. Les fétuques, comme énormément de graminées, n'ont aucunement besoin d'eau. Le gazania est en réalité une vivace; mais il ne résiste qu'à de courtes périodes de gel. Achetez-le en godets par barquette entière. Massif, b

Le photinia

Le photinia Décoratif en toute saison, le Photinia est un arbuste facile, idéal pour créer de jolies haies persistantes. Ses couleurs changeantes rythment les saisons. Couleurs de saison Photinia Le Photinia évolue joliment au rythme des saisons. Dès l'annonce du printemps, les jeunes feuilles flamboient d'un beau rouge foncé très brillant. Le feuillage évolue lentement du rouge vers une teinte cuivrée puis un beau vert brillant. A l'automne, on retrouve ces mêmes coloris, en plus brillant. Au mois de mai de jolies grappes de petites fleurs blanches apparaissent à l'extrémité des branches. Elles ressemblent un peu aux fleurs de Viburnum. Certaines variétés ont une fructification spectaculaire. Grâce à son feuillage persistant, le Photinia apportera toute l'année une note décorative à votre jardin ou votre balcon. Idéal pour créer une haie mélangé

laurier rose

Laurier rose  Communément appelé laurier rose, le nerium oleander est un arbuste d'environ 2 mètres de hauteur dont les fleurs blanches, jaunes, rouges ou saumon s'épanouissent de juillet à septembre. Généralités Description Le laurier rose est un arbuste à fleurs non rustiques, appartenant à la famille des apocynacées. On le range souvent dans la liste des plantes dites d'orangerie (jasmin, bougainvillée, figuier, citrus...) que l'on cultive en véranda à l'exception des habitants du pourtour méditerranéen. Son feuillage vert foncé et allongé est persistant. Les fleurs simples ou doubles s'épanouissent en été, de juin à octobre. Utilisation On le réserve généralement aux haies en pleine terre, ou à la décoration d'une terrasse, pour un sujet conduit en pot. Exigences Ayant impérativement besoin d'une situation ensoleillée

saris indiens

saris indiens Sari is the traditional dress for the Indian ladies in Malaysia.It is a long piece of cloth wrapped around the wearer's body and shoulder in specific fashion.With skillful arrangement of the sari,the patterns and designs on the cloth will be displayed at the right place,whether in front,at the back,at the waist or on the sholuder. Underneath the sari,the wearer put on a top and a petticoat beforehand,exposing the navel.One end of the sari is tugged inside the top of the petticoat and the other end is then thrown over the left shoulder and back to the left arm.Hence by strenching her left forearm,the wearer will be able to display the patterns on the sari,like a peacock displaying its tail. The colours and designs of the sari is limitless,making it beautiful and graceful
